The method adopted the self-discarding packet technique that was a means of determining transfer by comparing the queue length of the transiting router with a specified queue value on the packet. 该方法采用数据包丢失技术,通过比较传送的数据报文中的特殊队列值和所经过的路由器中数据包的排队队列长度值来决定是否对当前数据报文丢弃。
Weighted Scheduling Based-on Queue Length and Queue Delay Restriction for Asynchronous Optical Packet Switch 基于队列长度和时延约束的异步OPS权重调度
After verifying the nonlinear character between average queue size and packet loss rate, an improved RED algorithm named JRED was presented. 在论证了平均队列长度和丢包概率间为非线性性质后,提出了一种改进非线性RED算法&JRED。
The Study and Perspective of Queue Scheduling Algorithms in Packet Switching Networks 分组交换网络中队列调度算法的研究及其展望
The simulation results indicate that PIO compared with RIO improves the stabilization of queue and reduces packet loss ratio efficiently whether the network is under-subscribed or over-subscribed, while providing statistical assurance for the bandwidth. 仿真结果表明,PIO算法在统计性保证带宽的同时,与RIO算法相比,无论是在低预约还是过预约网络状态下都有效提高了队列的稳定性,并降低了丢包率。
Queue Length Analysis of Resilient Packet Ring 弹性分组环业务队长的分析
In this paper, we firstly analysis and comparison of the recent queue scheduling algorithms for QoS support in packet switching networks, analyze their performance objectives and technology attributes thoroughly. 文章首先对目前分组交换网络中支持QoS的队列调度算法进行了比较研究,分析了其性能指标和技术特点。
In order to suit the characteristics of the wireless channal, the paper proposes an improved RED algorithm that is based on the average queue length and average packet arrival rate. 为使其能适应无线传输高突发误帧的特点,本文提出了一种基于平均队列长度和平均包到达速率的改进RED算法,分析了其相对于传统RED算法在预防和处理拥塞时的优势。
Active queue management is an important mechanism of IP congestion control. As a kind of typical active queue management algorithm, BLUE uses packet loss and link idle events to manage congestion, but its performance is still unstable. 主动队列管理是IP拥塞控制的一种重要机制,BLUE算法作为一种典型的主动队列管理算法,使用丢包和连接空闲事件来控制拥塞,但是其性能还不稳定。
Queue Theory Model Analysis of Network Packet Switching 网络分组交换中的排队论模型分析
The transfer characteristics of Web flows are analyzed. On the basis of existing tail-drop and random early detection algorithms, an improved queue management algorithm based on packet semantic-aware is proposed. 对Web流的传输特性进行了分析,并在现有尾部丢弃和随机早期检测算法的基础上提出了基于流分组语义感知的改进队列管理算法。
DPBS scheme deploys partial buffer sharing policy, and adjust queue threshold based on packet loss history, which makes it achieve proportional loss rate control and rather high buffer utilization. And the most important, DPBS scheme is very easy to implement with rather low implementation overhead. DPBS算法基于部分缓冲共享策略,并根据分组丢失情况动态调整队列的阈值参数,可以实现成比例丢失率控制和较高的缓冲资源利用率,同时操作简单,实现复杂度低。
A theoretical queue model of ATM switch with Bernoulli arrivals of two priorities and finite output buffer capacity is developed. The average queue size, the loss probability of packet and the average waiting time are derived. 对双优先级贝努利(Bernoulli)分布到达的有限输出队列ATM交换模型进行了理论分析,导出了平均队长、平均分组丢失率、平均分组等待时间等关系式。
A Multi-Level FIFS Queue Packet Scheduling Algorithm to Provide Delay Guarantee 一种提供延迟保证的多级FIFS队列包调度算法
This article aims at both the packet delay and the packet queue length of the eight packet scheduling mechanisms of the Resilience Packet Ring network, and from the queuing theory it simulates each packet scheduling mechanism. 本文针对RPR弹性分组环网中8种报文调度方法的报文时延和报文队列长度,进行了深入的理论分析和计算机仿真。
The idea is to dynamically to adjust PF based on the age of a real-time packet in transmission queue and the lifetime of the packet to change CW and improve quality of service of network. 以分组在网络队列中的时间作为参数因子,动态调整竞争窗口的大小,提高网络服务质量。
The Random Early Detection ( RED) mechanism for congestion avoidance helps keep the average queue size low, allows occasional packet bursts, and prevents global synchronization of source windows due to its randomness in marking or dropping packets at a congested node. 基于拥塞避免的早期自由检测(RED)机制能够帮助保持平均队列数目较低,允许偶尔的包冲突,可以通过对冲突节点的包做记号或将其丢弃来阻止全局同步的发生。
A New Active Queue Management Scheme Based on Packet Loss Ratio 一种新的基于网络丢包率的主动队列管理策略
An application class and packet priority-based queue management and adaptive packet drop mechanism in the routers for Internet congestion control is put forward. 提出了一种基于应用类别和分组优先级的队列管理与自适应丢包机制,用于路由器内因特网拥塞控制。
Through the simulation, the PIO performances with respect to the stabilization of the queue, packet loss ratio and attainable throughput under the different subscription ratio and the different number of connections are analyzed. 通过仿真实验,分析了在不同预约比例、不同端到端TCP连接数的条件下PIO算法队列稳定性、丢包率和吞吐量等性能指标。
In this paper, the mathematical models of the two implementations-single queue and double queue of resilient packet ring are given. It analyzes the packet transfer delay of them using queue theory and compares the results. 文中对自愈分组环技术传输队列的两种实现方案&单队列实现和双队列实现进行数学建模,运用排队论中的方法分析两种实现方案数据帧的传输时延,并将它们进行对比。
On variable-bit-rate ( VBR) traffic shaping with a token bucket filter ( TBF), the curve of relation between queue length of TBF and packet loss was developed, and the relations for how to dimension TBF parameters to guarantee the deadline index was derived. 对于可变比特率(VBR)令牌桶流量整形问题,示出令牌桶等待队列长度与丢包率的关系曲线,推导出在保证截止期条件下如何确定令牌桶参数的关系式。
The clock recovery module can recover the accurate original clock with the help of digital PLL technology. The queue management module can realize the packet loss and the disorder process. The network timing delay absorbing module is realized with the use of dithering buffer. 其中时钟恢复模块在接收端利用数字锁相环技术恢复出精确的发端时钟,队列管理模块完成了对分组丢失和乱序的处理,而网络时延的吸收是通过抖动缓冲区来完成的。
Furthermore, considering the queue sytem with random packet arrivals, a cross-layer scheduling stategy with guaranteed stability for MIMO multiuser downlink system is proposed to keep average queue length finite. 然后,考虑用户数据的随机到达和排队,提出了一种保障系统稳定的跨层调度机制,使用户平均队列长度受限。
The first scheme adopts weight fairness and two-level buffer schedule ideas. The aggregation weight factor of each queue is dynamically adjusted based on the packet overtime urgent factor defined to satisfy the delay requirement of each QoS type of service. 第1种策略采用比例公平和两级缓冲区调度思想,根据各个队列的包超时紧迫因子来动态调整各个队列的聚合权重值,以满足各个QOS等级业务的最大时延需求。
These schemes are compared in these aspects of the voice call blocking probability, the average queue length of data packet, the data packet dropping probability and the total channel rate. 对这两种方案从语音业务阻塞率、数据包平均队列长度、数据业务掉包率和系统吞吐量等方面进行了比较分析。
Because of the introduction of the ratio of the average queue length in the calculation of the packet loss rate, The adjustment of the packet loss rate is more fair and reasonable. 丢包率计算中引入了上一次数据包到达时的平均队列长度和当前平均队列长度的比值,间接的反映了源端是否对发送速率做出调整,从而使得丢包率的设定更为公平合理。
The clock recovery module can recover the accurate original clock with the use of digital PLL technology. The queue management module can realize the packet loss and the disorder process. 时钟恢复模块利用数字锁相环技术恢复出准确的发端时钟,队列管理模块完成对分组丢失和乱序的处理。
In the realization of audio playback, a queue to complete the audio data packet storage is used, it protects the shared resources and improves the efficiency of the player. 在实现音频回放过程中,采用音频队列来完成音频数据包的存放,以保护共享资源和提高播放效率。
Then proposes the nonlinear smoothing algorithm, which can effectively control the average queue length by smoothing the packet loss function of the RED algorithm nonlinear, and have good congestion control ability. 然后提出了非线性平滑算法,该算法通过对RED算法的丢包率函数进行非线性平滑,有效地控制了平均队列长度,具有较好的拥塞控制能力。